Saturday, October 25, 2008

Fool's Paradise

A metaphor for hope, that's what it is.

I could write a depressing blog about what it feels like to lose love and lose hope and all that jazz, but I won't, because I wouldn't be helping you.

SO instead, I'll write one about finding hope when all things seem to be lost.

See, hope is a strange thing, very evasive and very deceptive, some people even call hope "false".

But I disagree, to say hope is false is to mean you have personally, through the process of elimination, disregarded any option of there being a possibility of things changing.

"There is no hope." There is always 'hope'. It is but a feeling, to say there is no hope is the same as saying that there is no love, or no hate. We all know that love and hate are real, even if we don't feel either at this moment in time..

If you are stuck in a hopeless, loveless, hateless state, then you still have hope.. Despite what you may feel, there will always be that spark inside that holds all those feelings.. You simply have to gently uncover it. It takes time, effort, and help.

It's easier said then done, and it's a lot harder when you need it the most.

But stay strong, and you'll make it through..

Oh and another note on "false hope" for those that don't agree with me that there is no such thing as false hope. Take a look, if you look at the world from a far away perspective, you see things like "false love" and "false hope" and "false whatever-else", but if you dissect it, you realize that "false love" is actually lust. So in my opinion that means that "false hope" is actually another feeling we just haven't named yet.

What should it be named??

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